Friday, 14 May 2010

2nd Year Show, Graphic Communications

We've been working on our final piece of work for the last couple of weeks in uni now,
some of us used the last project 'persuasion' that dealt with a design job for a local charity of our choice.

I've chosen to put up my persuasion project anyway, which was an anti smoking campaign for the non-profit organisation 'AshWales' based in Cardiff. I've produced a series of postcards and posters for their promotion stand at the Royal Welsh Show in July 2010.

Here's my poster, I put up on the wall for the exhibition.
Underneath I had a table with the full range of bi-lingual postcards, they came in English and Welsh.
Alongside with some Jelly shots (for 18+ only :-P ) that went well with the non-edible fag-jelly I had on the shelf just underneath the poster.

In conclusion, my showcase/display worked well enough to get chosen with 4 fellow students, out of the whole year-group to have a chat and job interview with Mark Lloyd, the Creative Director of the Brand Union based in London. Who offered a 2 weeks work-placement in their Branding Agency in London to 3 out of us 5.

Unfortunately I didn't get the job in the end but I felt pretty happy for my friends Jon Sheahan, Ruth Lucas and Matt Cornelius who managed to get a feeling of the creative industry.

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