some of us used the last project 'persuasion' that dealt with a design job for a local charity of our choice.

I've chosen to put up my persuasion project anyway, which was an anti smoking campaign for the non-profit organisation 'AshWales' based in Cardiff. I've produced a series of postcards and posters for their promotion stand at the Royal Welsh Show in July 2010.
Here's my poster, I put up on the wall for the exhibition.
Underneath I had a table with the full range of bi-lingual postcards, they came in English and Welsh.
Alongside with some Jelly shots (for 18+ only :-P ) that went well with the non-edible fag-jelly I had on the shelf just underneath the poster.

In conclusion, my showcase/display worked well enough to get chosen with 4 fellow students, out of the whole year-group to have a chat and job interview with Mark Lloyd, the Creative Director of the Brand Union based in London. Who offered a 2 weeks work-placement in their Branding Agency in London to 3 out of us 5.
Unfortunately I didn't get the job in the end but I felt pretty happy for my friends Jon Sheahan, Ruth Lucas and Matt Cornelius who managed to get a feeling of the creative industry.