I've found a couple of rather nice business card ideas on the web, thought it's worth to mention them in my blog. Enjoy.
perforated business letter, envelope and business card.
he also does it with his business card.
Quite nice to be honest, that can avoid an argument
and saves the lawyer double printing costs!
It's the Post-Marriage Counsellors' job.
Give us the money, or we're gonna break your fingers. hah!
LUSH! Business cards come in form of a pouch, with seeds inside.
What a nice idea for any gardener-like company.
It's a headhunter... to avoid leaving a trace,
just eat the business card, it's edible!
the new bloke in the kitchen smashed too many plates.
Now the owner knows how to manage it!
Fitness Trainer business card.
Wanna read it? Stretch it!
some nice playful cutting here.
Some nice use of materials
...and again.
It's not using ink at all.
Gotta love it!
Feminist business card.